Monday, July 27, 2020

New upcoming games!

Last Thursday, July 23rd, Microsoft held their Official Xbox Showcase 2020. They hinted at a second one later this year, but we'll see.

To start off, if you caught their E3 showcases for the last couple of years, you know what to expect, only this was smaller. In a way it's better like this, as I got pretty overwhelmed by their E3 presentations as they were so incredibly long. My brain got crammed so full it was hard to remember even half of what they showed.
This was one hour and just as stylish as before. Sadly, most trailers were just that, slick presentations with little actual gameplay. Then again they were gorgeous trailers, no doubt about that. Many of these games are still very far away, so all they have are teasers at this point but it is nice to know what is coming.

I'm not going to list the games shown, but I'm optimistic about the general output, even though there were many that are straight up not for me, like racing games. I urge you to take an hour and give it a look. If you don't care about Halo you can skip the first 10-12 minutes.

It is also worth pointing out that although they keep going on about how amazing their upcoming new Xbox is, all these games will also be available on PC.

My biggest take away is that beyond a few sequels for very popular titles, many studios seem to be thinking outside the proverbial box.
But enough rambling from me, I'll leave you to it but join me again next time for more Eccentric Spheres. Until then have a great week and stay safe!

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