Monday, July 20, 2020

Time for Fun

We had a bit of a heat spike over the weekend and it kind of melted my brain a bit, so I'm taking it easy today. I have some ace comedy for you today, and with all that is still happening in the world we can all need a bit of a laugh.

Now there is a small chance that I have posted this before, but since this blog has existed since 2012 it is getting a bit tricky to keep tabs on things like this. I expect that I'm going to accidentally re-post some stuff from time to time.

Anyway, first up we have some Norwegian comedy, which is in English so don't worry. Then we have a few select clips from Star Wars, Darth Vader to be specific, but you won't hear James Earl Jones. Instead another prominent African American actor with a more colorful vocabulary.

Join me again next time for more Eccentric Spheres, and have yourself a great and safe week! 

Norwegian Comedy: 

Star Wars Comedy:


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