Monday, August 3, 2020

A simpler history

I love history but it is not always easy to study. The history of the world and humanity in general can get incredibly complex and I find it helpful to get an overview of an issue before even trying to delve deeper.
Getting a simplified version of an event or a war also helps me understand how it all hangs together.

Example: If the Ottomans hadn't closed off Byzantium and blocked Europe from Asia, then there would have been no need for Columbus to cross the Atlantic in 1492. No Columbus means no European struggle for territory to colonize, which means Great Britain wouldn't have started their 13 colonies. This means no American war of Independence, which directly lead to the French Revolution which led to Napoleons rise to power etc.

One “small” act can have enormous repercussions centuries later but since it is such a humongous subject it is really helpful to get it in smaller pieces.

This bring me to our subject for the week:

OverSimplifed over on Youtube. It is an animated channel that does just this. It breaks down things like WWI & II, the French Revolution, the American Civil War, King Henry VIII etc and it is funny as well!
So if you like history or just want to get your learn on, head on over and enjoy yourself. I've lost... well learning is never a waste, so I'll say I've spent many a happy hour over there.

That's that. Until next time, have a safe and happy week! Oh and keep washing those hands, Covid is far from over.


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