Monday, September 7, 2015

Burn After Reading

A few days ago I saw a clip from the Coen brothers movie; Burn After Reading (2008). I thought it looked pretty good, so I sat down and watched it.

The cast is well loaded with George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Frances McDormand, John Malkovich and more, so no problem there.
Being a Coen film, it is very well made. It is absolutely beautiful on all fronts. But where I think it fails is in the balance.

On the surface it's a comedy, but it also tries to be a crime film with strong elements of relationship drama. And in my opinion it kind of fails to be any of those. Many scenes that I guess were ment to be funny felt more tragic, but to be fair there were some genuinely funny moments. I suppose I'd say it felt fragmented and chaotic when it wasn't supposed to be. It's hard to explain.

Now I've seen several Coen brothers films before; Millers Crossing, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, No Country for Old Men to name a few, and they always leave me feeling conflicted. I've never finished one of their films and thought to myself Now that was a great movie. Never. Some times it's taken a few days to digest the film in order to “get it”, other times it's taken a second viewing to understand it. They don't make easy movies, that's for sure.
Even though I might have gotten the films, I've not always liked them. I like Millers Crossing and Fargo but I don't like Lebowski and No Country. (I'm about to get stoned soon, I know). Burn after reading is in the second category more than the first. I liked a few of the scenes, but over all the movie depressed me. Particularly since the one character I really felt deserved a comeuppance didn't get one. I won't say more than that. You might feel differently.

Should you watch this film? Absolutely. It is good, I just really didn't like it. I can even say I've never seen a movie like it, but it still didn't appeal to me. Like American Hustle, this is a movie I can recommend, but you are going to have to make up your own mind about.

That's the load-out for today, so until next Monday, have great week!

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