Monday, September 21, 2015


I am no fan of commercials, and I'll cheerfully admit to using adblocker in my browser, but these days I have it disabled on Youtube.

The reason for this is the fact that I subscribe to a couple of gaming channels, and since the owners of these channels get ad money, and indeed live on this money, I can't in good conscience deny them their hard earned cash.

Last week however, I actually found an ad that benefited me. I discovered a new Netflix show called Narcos.

Narcos chronicles the life and exploits of Pablo Escobar, the late Medellin Cartel king of Colombia.

Now in all fairness I have to point out that I've only watched the four first episodes, so this is not a review, merely an impression. However, I can' wait to finish it. Narcos is a really good show.

If you care about scores, Narcos has a 9.1 on IMDb and it really deserves it. It's unflinching in the face of drugs, murder and other assorted nastiness. But at the same time, it doesn't wallow in it either. It shows you just enough, and that to me is a good sign. A show that laps up all the filth and gleefully shows it to you, usually tries too hard. Narcos doesn't try, it merely does.

So far I have no complaints what so ever. Even the fact that easily half the show is in Spanish is enjoyable. It adds so much to the authenticity, and since those parts have subtitles, you can still follow the story, even without knowing Spanish, which I don't.

Since I haven't seen all of the show, I can't guarantee that the rest is any good, but I'd be very surprised if the quality dips in any way. Time will tell.

So for what it's worth so far, I heartily recommend this show if you want something hard hitting and realistic. You might even learn something of South American history, I have at any rate.

Until next time, have yourself a great week, I'm off to watch more Narcos. And remember, say no to drugs.

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