Monday, September 29, 2014

Cards Against Humanity

This Saturday last, I finally got to try Cards Against Humanity.
This game falls squarely under the category “Beer and Pretzel Games”, i.e. games that go well with a few drinks and some snacks.

Cards Against Humanity definitely requires a few drinks to work. You see, it runs on blind luck and bad taste. The rules are also so simple that even if you've had quite a few drinks, you quickly get the hang of it.
The idea is this: there's a white deck and a black deck. Each player has seven white cards in their hand. Then one player draws a black card and reads it out loud. It can be a question or a statement with one or more words missing, and then every other player chooses a card from their hand to complete the sentence (or answer the question). Without knowing who chose what, the reader of the black card then chooses the best (in his opinion) white card. The player who played it wins the black card. At the end of the game, the player with the most black cards wins.

The genius of CaH comes in the form of bizarre and usually tasteless humor. Hence the need for a couple of drinks first. Also, I wouldn't use CaH as an icebreaker at parties, unless you are sure everyone is cool with it. This game can be racist, politically incorrect, sexist and very dark in one round! On the other hand, I have not laughed so hard in months. We all had a roaring good time.

A couple of examples that I won rounds with:

Black card: The TSA now bans _______ on all flights.
My white card: Chunks of dead prostitutes.

Black card: For my next trick, I will pull _____ from my _____.
My white cards: An oversized lollipop, my soul.

If you don't think this is all that funny, wait until your tipsy in the right crowd of friends...

My only real complaint is that I can't get the whole game in Finland. We played the free & and legal) down-loadable basic version, but there are so many cards. I want them! Aarrgh!

If the makers of this gloriously wicked game should read this: Make Cards Against Humanity available!

Until next time, have a hilarious week!

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