Monday, August 17, 2020

Hero or Hypocrite?


Epic Games has sued both Google and Apple.

In case you haven't heard about this, Epic wanted to put the mobile version of their popular battle royale game Fortnite on both the big stores, so they did.

Then Epic blatantly broke the Terms of Service (i.e. the contract) by bypassing the stores payment methods and installing a private way to buy in-game currency without giving Apple or Google their agreed upon share. To no ones surprise Epic got tossed out on their ass and now they are suing.

But wait! It gets better. With lightning speed, Epic filed lawsuits against both tech giants claiming that this is a breach against the anti trust law, and that (especially Apple) are abusing their monopoly. Epic even went so far as to release a machinima video that spoofs an old Apple ad that ends with the words:

“Epic Games has defied the App Store Monopoly. In retaliation, Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices. Join the fight to stop 2020 from becoming “1984”.”

So, Epic intentionally breaks the TOS in order to get banned, files an already prepared lawsuit and releases a video trying to paint themselves as brave and selfless freedom fighters trying to tear down the evil Apple monopoly? Do they really think anyone will believe this nonsense?

Now, I'm no fan of Apple, and I have never been one. But if you essentially rent a space in a mall for your shop and then refuse to pay rent, what do you think is going to happen? How does this in any way make you a hero? Especially when you have your lawsuit and propaganda video ready to go? It's not taking a stand, it's intentional provocation and manipulation, which aren't very heroic in my opinion.

To make it even worse, we're talking about Epic Games here. The company who excels at buying up exclusives for themselves at the expense of others. I guess it is okay for them to do it but not for Apple or Google? Or maybe it is nothing but hypocrisy?

To make it even even worse, this is 2020. The year of Covid-19 kicking everything to pieces. The year when people all over the world are desperately fighting their corrupt governments to gain freedom for themselves and their children. The year of Black Lives Matter. This is the year that Epic Games wants to promote their FreeFortnite hashtag campaign as if it should be compared to these real life struggles? Please...

I'm not telling you do or not do anything. Make up your own mind. But to me this has really crystallized what kind of company Epic Games is, and I don't care what they do with their store, I'd rather not play games than be a customer of theirs.

Alright, this has been the angry rant part of Eccentric Spheres, join me again next time for hopefully something more lighthearted, and until then, have a great and safe week! Oh, and keep washing your hands.

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