Monday, June 29, 2020

Entertaining Information

Hello and welcome back to Eccentric Spheres.

Today I want to share a few of videos by Youtuber CGP Grey that I found to be extremely informative.
The world is a chaotic place right now, and the first video, The Rules for Rulers is really good. Certain recent happenings and the reactions by politicians are more understandable after watching the video. At least it was to me.

The second video is a bit of a follow up and explains why dynasties are what they are. Watch it after the Rules video.

Then there are two videos on old timey pirates and how they worked. Funny and interesting.

And that is that. I have to cut it short today, but join me again next time for more and until then stay safe and have a great week! (wash your hands)

Rules for Rulers:

Death & Dynasties:

How to be a Pirate: Captain Edition:

How to be a Pirate. Quartermaster Edition:

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