Monday, June 8, 2020

What is it really like?

Hollywood. Tinseltown. The Dream Factory. Accurate names as the projects they produce do not reflect reality.

At least most movies don't and nor should they. Movies and shows are about entertainment and reality is mostly pretty boring. Imagine a film about an archaeologist slowly and painstakingly digging a hole and gently, gingerly even, brushing away sand and debris from shards of ancient pottery. Go on, imagine it.
Now compare that to Indiana Jones. Not hard to see why Indy's adventures are a bit more fun to watch, eh?

That said, it is really fascinating to learn what reality is like compared to what movies show us. Lately I have been consuming a lot of videos where experts critique elements of different movies and shows. Navy Seals, fighter pilots, archaeologists, fencing masters, police officers, even pole dancers and astrobiologists chime in on what entertainment gets right and what is wrong or even impossible.

Here is one list from the Insider channel:

And one from GQ:

So with that I'll urge you to stay safe, wash your hands and have a great week!

Okay, here is a video to get you started:

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