Monday, May 27, 2019

Sniper Elite V2 Remaster

Earlier this month, Rebellion released their remaster of Sniper Elite v2.

I just got done playing it, and I got to tell you, it's nice. On Steam it sits at a rating of Mostly Negative, which I do not understand. If you read some of the negative reviews, people seem to be mad about not getting it for free or then they're upset at not getting more out of it.

Yes, Bethesda gave their Skyrim remaster for free if you owned the original and all the DLC, but Skyrim like all Bethesda games lives on through mods, and the Sniper Elite series can't, to my knowledge, be modded at all.
Rebellion gave a nice discount if you own the old SE v2, but they had no need to give it away for free.

The graphics are updated, and it looks great, but I guess some people expected it to be even prettier, somehow. The sounds are as they've always been and the gameplay is smooth and fun. No complaints from me.

Rebellion added some extra goodies, though. The remaster includes all the DLC, it has an option to choose your weapon load out and you can choose which character you want to play as, since they added in the characters from the Sniper Elite spin-off, Zombie Army Trilogy.
There is also a photo mode, that I can't talk about as I have ignored it completely. I'm awful at taking screenshots anyway, so a photo mode isn't relevant to me at all.

This is by all accounts a fun game to play, if the Sniper Elite games are your thing. Now, that said, if you came into the series later, particularly in SE4, then this will feel clumsy and old, because it is old. Most of the things that sort of annoy me were fixed in SE3 and 4.
For example, a staple in the series is using your binoculars to tag enemies so that you know where they are even though you can't see them. In V2, those tags vanish after a while which is annoying.
Likewise, instead of running in, on a few occasions an enemy will just spawn in instead, bypassing any traps you may have laid out.

These things are annoying, but in the greater scale, fairly minor. Sure, the maps are somewhat small, compared to what came later, but the original came out in 2012 – seven years ago.

Bottom line: if you have played Sniper Elite 3 or 4 and missed V2, play it, it really is a fun game. The haters really seem to hate for no reason, in my book at least.

In other related news, Sniper Elite 5 has been announced with no further info yet, but I'm eagerly waiting to learn more.

That's my 5 cents, and until next time, have a great week!

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