Monday, June 13, 2016


This week we're taking a look at a movie called Legend. Not Ridley Scott's fantasy film from 1985, but the gangster movie from last year.

This is the story of the Kray twins, Reggie and Ron, and their journey towards becoming the preeminent organized crime lords of London. Or it should be, since it really isn't. Legend is based on true events, but as with all movies, the “truth” only goes so far. The film takes liberties with facts but not too wildly. There was no one moment that made me think “Hang on, that can't be true.” It was all in all a very well put together film, and Tom Hardy (the new Mad Max) does an amazing job portraying both twins. It can't have been easy, but he does it really well, especially since Ronnie was mentally ill.

The movie is set in the 60's and 70's, and as with everything else it is very well done. You truly get a feeling of the era and that's always fun to see. I don't regret watching Legend, but it is essentially not the film it should be in my opinion.

So what's the problem? Simple. It's far more about the stormy relationship between Ron and his girlfriend/wife Frances. Obviously she was a big part of Ron's life and needed to be in the movie, but I entered into things expecting a crime film, not a rocky romance, but that is what I essentially got. Several scenes revolve around her and neither Kray is even there. If they wanted to make a film about Frances, I'm sure it would have been really good, but that's not what's supposed to happen here, and thanks to this, the movie lacks focus. There are of course crime elements in the film, but far less than there are romance and argument scenes. It's simply not what I either expected or wanted, and I don't think it's what was advertized.

Legend could have been the British answer to Goodfellas, but it falls way short. Imagine if Goodfellas had been 85% about Henry and his marriage. That wouldn't have been a very interesting crime drama now would it? No, of course not. Sure Henry's marriage to Karen is an important, no a crucial part of Goodfellas, but there is just as much and more going on elsewhere, and this is not the case in Legend.

Copy-Paste from the start of the Kray's entry on Wikipedia:

Twin brothers Ronald "Ronnie" Kray (24 October 1933 – 17 March 1995) and Reginald "Reggie" Kray (24 October 1933 – 1 October 2000) were English gangsters who were the foremost perpetrators of organized crime in the East End of London during the 1950s and 1960s. “

All we get to see is some nightclub business and some deals with the American Mafia. Add some violence and the rest is the Ron/Frances angle. Such a shame really, this could have been an epic film.

Finally I want to mention a point about Frances. She in no way deserves what happens to her, but she knew full well who and what Ron was when they met and she married him anyway. It makes it hard to feel sorry for her, when it's so incredibly obvious that her boyfriend is a complete sociopath gangster (and his brother is worse), and yet she happily gives him chance after chance. Combine this with the screen time their relationship occupies, and it just fails.

I won't say I don't recommend Legend, but know what you are about to watch.

Until next time, have a great week!

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