Monday, June 6, 2016


So last Tuesday, I decided to upgrade from Windows 7 to 10. Well, actually it was sort of Windows who decided for me.
I had already made up my mind to upgrade while it was still free, I just hadn't gotten around to it. After all, it contains the new DirectX, and as a gamer I will need it sooner or later. Then it popped up and said that my upgrade was scheduled for Tuesday at 23.00 hours. I figured, hell why not? Otherwise I'd just forget to, and then, just to annoy me, Dishonored 2 would of course not run on Windows 7. (This is just my pessimism, I have no reason to assume this.)

At about 22.45 on Tuesday evening, a pop up told me to save my work and press the upgrade button. I politely complied. All went well, it took about half an hour to download the stuff, and I suppose fifteen minutes to install. Then my PC lost it's connection to the internet. Not just the net either, it lost connection to everything. Everything else worked flawlessly, I just couldn't connect anywhere. My wife's computer was happily humming away online, as was my tablet, so it wasn't our connection. We stayed up until after two in the morning trying to fix it, but to no avail. We scoured the net trying to find a solution but nothing worked. Finally we were just too tired to keep trying and stumbled off to bed.

I woke up the following morning ready to do battle against my problem, but like a thief in the night it had slipped away. Yeah, my connection had somehow repaired itself when my PC was shut down. I restarted my PC several times during the previous night, but now (luckily) it was A-OK! I suspect that it was my anti-virus that caused the problem. Lot's of people have had issues with their anti-virus causing errors, so if you're reading this, and you want to upgrade but haven't yet done so: uninstall your anti-virus before you press upgrade. Microsoft won't tell you to do this but it might save you a lot of hassle.

Otherwise my upgrade has been alright, even though I'm not a fan of the tile based menu. No program or game has refused to work, but time will tell.

Speaking of computers, I have a video for you. It's from Tested with Adam Savage of Mythbusters fame. If you have any interest in computers, I urge you to watch it. It should help you appreciate your computer a bit more.

Until next time, have a fantabulous week! (I don't know if that's a word, but it sounds fun).


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