Monday, June 20, 2016

Fascinating Facts

Today is all about fact. Movie facts, in fact.

As usual when I do these lists, all facts are taken form so if you want more, head over there.

Here we go:

Mark Hamill was 63 years old while filming Star War: The Force Awakens, the same age as Sir Alec Guiness was while filming his scenes as Ben Kenobi in the original Star Wars film in 1977.

V for Vendetta (2005) – The domino scene, where V tips over black and red dominoes to form a giant letter V, involved 22,000 dominoes. It took 4 professional domino assemblers 200 hours to set it up.

Halloween (1978) – Due to its shoestring budget, the prop department had to use the cheapest $2 mask that they could find in the costume store: a Star Trek William Shatner mask. They later spray-painted the face white, teased out the hair, and reshaped the eye holes. Shatner admitted that for years he had no idea his likeness was used for this film. It was only during an interview that someone mentioned his mask was being used. He has since stated that he is honored by this gesture.

Jurassic Park (1993) – When the T-Rex comes through the glass roof of the Explorer in the first attack, the glass was not meant to break, producing the noticeably genuine screams from the children.

Alien (1979) – Ridley Scott found a practical solution to lighting the aliens’ egg chamber by borrowing blue laser lighting from The Who, who were rehearsing their stage show in the soundstage next door.

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) – Charlie Sheen stayed awake for 48 hours to achieve a suitably wasted look for his cameo as a drugged-up felon.

Jurassic Park (1993) – Hurricane Iniki ravaged the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i, where the movie was shot, but Richard Attenborough managed to sleep through it. When questioned how by Steven Spielberg, Dickie replied: “Dear boy, I survived the blitz!”

Raiders of the Lost Ark: The filmmakers discovered to their chagrin that the snakes used for the Well of Souls sequence weren’t afraid of fire at all. In fact, they would always try to get closer to the fire to warm themselves. At one point director Spielberg was caught on camera picking up a snake and telling it, face to face, “In the script, you’re supposed to hate fire. Why do you like fire? You’re ruining my movie.”

Predator: Jesse Ventura was delighted to find out from the wardrobe department that his arms were 1″ bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger’s. He suggested to Schwarzenegger that they measure arms, with the winner getting a bottle of champagne. Ventura lost because Schwarzenegger had told the wardrobe department to tell Ventura that his arms were bigger.

During the filming of ‘Cabin Fever,’ Rider Strong decided to explore the forest alone after a shoot, still in his gruesome makeup. He came across a group of schoolgirls on a field trip, who were horrified, but then recognized him from ‘Boy Meets World,’ and he had to escape from the fangirls.

That's it for this time. A small reminder to all gamers out there, the Steam summer sale is supposed to start on the 23rd, so get ready for that, but until we meet again, have a great week!

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