Friday, June 13, 2014

Steamy Desperados

The other day I reconnected with an old favorite game of mine; Desperados:Wanted Dead or Alive. What's so amazing is that this great game was released in 2001, yet it works on Windows 7. Thanks to Steam, I got it for just over one euro, and I couldn't be happier.

Desperados is a real time stealth game set in the Old West. Other games in this style are the Commandos series, Robin Hood The legend of Sherwood, and Chicago 1930. There may be more games like this, but I'm not familiar with them.

However, Desperados is without a doubt my favorite of the bunch. And boy does it still stand strong, even after thirteen years. It still looks great, it's just so much fun to play. It has great humor, wonderful atmosphere and even at times nail biting suspense.
I love how each map has several different ways to solve the “puzzle”, i.e. find a way to isolate the enemies and kill them. Or knock them out. What ever you prefer.
My favorite technique is what I call the Corpse Trap, a.k.a. The Cadaver Conga Line. What you do is strategically place bodies in a line so that enemy after enemy follow them until hey step in line for an ambush attack. I believe my record is sixteen corpses.

By the way, Speaking of Steam, it seems the annual Steam Summer Sale 2014 is just around the corner. Leaked info from Valve has the date set as 19 June to 30 June, so get your systems warmed up, and please leave yourself enough money to be able to eat until your next paycheck.

I'm currently in the countryside, so this is all for this week.

See ya next week!

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