Monday, October 10, 2022

Professor of Rock

A couple of weeks ago, I found the Youtube channel Professor of Rock:

I felt like sharing it with you, since I have found it really relaxing, informative and very nostalgic to listen to his videos. He covers trivia on famous songs, what was in the top charts back in the day (with added trivia), interviews with some of the big names in rock and pop and much more. 

The professor, who I assume isn't an actual professor, is calm but passionate and he has a great way of talking about the subject without getting too preachy, even though some of his video titles are a bit... dramatic. The content covers mostly 70's, 80's and 90's music and I for one couldn't be happier.

So if you like that era's music, go check it out! I'll link a couple of videos below so you can get a feel for what his channel is about.

Beyond that, that is that. I have to keep it short this week, but do join me again next time and until then, have a great and safe week!






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