Monday, September 20, 2021

Fantastic or Realistic?

Fantasy is a great genre and the perhaps most defining feature of fantasy is that it doesn't have to be realistic. The clue is in the name after all. As long as the fantasy is immersive enough and consistent with its own internal rules, realism can go hang.

That said, I find it incredibly entertaining to poke holes in fantasy to see what is and isn't actually possible. Obviously magic isn't real nor are flying, fire-breathing dragons, but what about shooting a bow from the branches of a tree? What about the old trope of tying a rope to an arrow and shooting it in order to shimmy across a chasm? How much money can an adventurer really carry? I'm not the person to ask, but I know who is; Shadiversity on Youtube.

He has indeed tested these small but interesting tropes and I figured you might want to know the answers. So without further ado, I present to you three answers to three questions.

Arrow and rope:

Shooting from a tree:

How many gold coins can you carry:

I'll embed them below as well, for your convenience. That's that and all that. Until next time, have a great and safe week! 








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