Monday, November 23, 2020

Quiz time


It is time to get your quiz on. I have selected a number of questions from the internet and thought I'd challenge you to answer them. I have not chosen any questions that I couldn't answer without looking up the answer, so there will be nothing too esoteric.

Why do this? Well, why not? Perhaps you can challenge family and friends or perhaps the questions will come up in some other quiz you might partake in, like a pub quiz. And no, you don't win anything for getting the answers right. Knowledge is its own reward and all that.

Here we go:

  1. What was Eleanor Roosevelt's maiden name?

  2. What is the world's smallest country?

  3. Under which nickname was Edward Teach better known as?

  4. Since 1945, what foodstuff can be made in all British tanks?

  5. Which actor played Batman in the 60's TV show?

  6. In which country is Machu Picchu located?

  7. In which year was the Great Fire of London?

  8. What country has the most vending machines per Capita?

  9. What has a head and a tail, but no body?

  10. Which one of the seven wonders of the ancient world is still standing?

  11. What is the only food that never expires?

  12. What is the largest country in the Caribbean?

  13. In which unit is force measured?

  14. 50-70% of a whale's weight consists of what?

  15. What is molten rock beneath the surface of the earth called? 

    There we go. Fifteen questions for you to mull over. The answers are located below this video.




  1. Roosevelt.

  2. The Vatican.

  3. Blackbeard.

  4. Tea.

  5. Adam West.

  6. Peru.

  7. 1666.

  8. Japan.

  9. A coin.

  10. The Great Pyramid of Giza.

  11. Honey.

  12. Cuba.

  13. Newton.

  14. Blubber.

  15. Magma.

And that's that. Join me again next time, and until then have a great week and stay safe!

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