Monday, November 30, 2020

Gaming Quiz


Hello and welcome to Eccentric Spheres. Last week we did general trivia and this week it's gaming. I decided to go for multiple choice this time, as I think it'll fit better.

So without further ado:

  1. Which was the original D&D setting created by Gary Gygax?

    1. Forgotten Realms

    2. Dragonlance

    3. Greyhawk

  1. What is the green crystal the hovers over the Sims called?

    1. Plumbob

    2. Life Gem

    3. Spinner

  1. In the Fallout Universe, what is the small computer worn on the left arm called?

    1. Infotron

    2. Pipboy

    3. Personal Communicator

  1. Conan the Barbarian hails from which country?

    1. Cimmeria

    2. Aquilonia

    3. Hyrkania

  1. What year was the Super Nintendo system released?

    1. 1990

    2. 1991

    3. 1992

  1. Which game series features the evil Umbrella Corporation?

    1. Alone in the Dark

    2. Fallout

    3. Resident Evil

  1. Which movie inspired The Silent Hill franchise greatly?

    1. Jacob's Ladder

    2. Videodrome

    3. Pan's Labyrinth

  1. Which classic arcade game caused a coin shortage in Japan?

    1. Pac-Man

    2. Space Invaders

    3. Asteroids

  1. In the Elder Scrolls setting, what race are Orcs?

    1. Dwarves

    2. Humans

    3. Elves

  1. What is the name of the most common currency in the Zelda games?

    1. Coins

    2. Rupees

    3. Chunks

And there we have it. Look below for the answers and as last time, you win nothing by answering the questions except fun. Join me again next time, have a great week and stay safe!


Answers: C A B A B C A B C B

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