Monday, August 12, 2019

Henry Jones Jr.

One of my all time favorite film heroes has to be Indiana Jones. The combo of being a daring-do action hero, a tough guy and an academic historian balances well with human weakness and occasional clumsiness that is so entertaining to watch.

I just finished watching a really interesting documentary about the Indiana Jones movies, and I want to share it with you.

It was made around the release of the fourth film, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, as a kind of retrospective about the classic trilogy (Raiders, Temple & Crusade) with tons of interesting facts about the creative process, effects, locations, actor choices and more.

Usually when you see interviews concerning movies, they tend to be fluff pieces and contain a lot of “It was so great working with X, I'm a huge fan... etc etc” but this comes across as genuine and passionate.

Since my flu is still giving me a bit of trouble, I'm keeping it short, so until next time, have a great week and crack on!

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