Monday, August 27, 2018

Spooky stuff

A couple of weeks or so ago, I tripped over a show on Netflix called Dark Tourist and I want to talk about it.

The show, which currently only has one season, is all about David Farrier, a New Zealand journalist with a taste for the dark.
He and his crew travel all over the world to visit locations that can best be described as grim, gruesome, sad, twisted, mysterious and very dangerous. Mind you, this is not fiction, it's real life.

The first thing that struck me is that David has a lot of courage. I personally wouldn't want to go to most of these places. Some of them sure, but others? No way.

I'm trying to avoid spoilers here, so bear with me.
I guess no episode is bad, but some are a great deal stronger than others. The Europe and United States episodes were interesting but a bit weak, but only because they have to compete with the Japan, The Stans, and South East Asia episodes. The SE Asian was really hard to watch, at least for me.
They are all fascinating, well worth watching, and definitely informative but not for the squeamish. If that hasn't become clear by now, if you are of a more sensitive disposition or just feeling a bit delicate, do not watch this show.
It's not overly grisly, but there are a lot of hard to handle things involved.

I'm quickly going to mention another show I found on Netflix, there was only one season which is fine: 1000 ways to die.

This is essentially Darwin Awards on film. Each episode details several people who met their ends in silly and horrific ways, mostly because they are jerks and idiots. Be warned though, 1000 ways to die is really gory. The re-enactments are extremely well done. Also, they sort of spoil each episode before the intro, so it's worth skipping ahead.

That's that. The final episode of the summer. Next time I see you will be in September, so until then, relax and have a great week!

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