Monday, June 4, 2018

Those wicked geniouses

Well, Bethesda has done it again.

Back in 2015, Bethesda stole the show at E3 by not only announcing that Fallout 4 was coming out that Autumn, but that the mobile game (it's on Steam as well) Fallout Shelter was available as Todd Howard, the director and executive producer at Bethesda Game Studios, was speaking.
The crowd and the web went nuts with excitement.

Now, three years later, they're at it again. Last week an odd live stream appeared on Twitch. It featured a test pattern in the background and a table with a Vault Boy statue in the foreground. Some very minor things happened in during the 24 hours the broadcast was happening. Then a wrist watch showing 9:45 appeared and people including me tuned in to that time. Eventually Todd Howard appeared and after some words of appreciation, played the trailer for Fallout 76.

The trailer has since been scrutinized with a level of dedication that would make any CSI show jealous, and for good reason. There is nothing in that trailer that is there by chance. Everything means something, and people are going nuts trying to figure out everything.
Naturally rumors, hopes, dreams and fears are flying high, and for a good day or two, Fallout 76 was all Reddit could talk about when it came to games.
A journalist from Kotaku who seems to have terrific contacts have leaked some information, and I believe what he has to say, but only so far. To get the whole story, to find out what this game is really about, we have to wait until this upcoming Sunday the 10th, when Bethesda has it's E3 conference. Then, apparently, all shall be revealed.

Until then, everything you hear and read is nothing but rumors and speculations. Even the leaks can be outdated information, or subject to change. It's important to remember that a rumor that was widely believed about Fallout 4 was that you couldn't play as a female. This was blatantly false, but everyone lapped it up.

What we do know from what actual Bethesda employees have tweeted is that Fallout 76 is not Fallout 5. It is something else, probably something to do with multiplayer and building, but nothing is certain.
Todd and co, has repeatedly said that they have two big projects in the pipeline that are something they haven't done before. Until these two games are released, they won't be making Fallout 5 or Elder Scrolls 6. If Fallout 76 is indeed something multiplayer related, then yes, that would be something they haven't done before. But we have to wait and see.

If you want to see the trailer, go to Youtube and search for Fallout 76 trailer. I'd link it, but I'm quietly melting into a puddle, and to be honest, I'm not in the mood to fight with blogger.

That's that, next week we'll know more, and I for one am cautiously optimistic, but until then, have a great week!

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