Monday, May 14, 2018

Really scary

April 25-26 1986.

The Chernobyl disaster. The worst nuclear leak and or contamination outside of the detonation of an atomic weapon.

It's been 22 years, and the name still inspires dread. Lethal plutonium exposed to the open air. People fleeing the local town of Pripyat, media in a frenzy.

I remember those days, it was pretty damn scary. Talk of radioactive fallout on the wind, poison in the water, you name it. Of course, that actually never happened, we were just fine.

But ever since those days, the names Chernobyl and Pripyat have held an eerie fascination for me.

What I have for you today is all about that. A nifty documentary about the disaster, and a visit to the exclusion zone. I hope you enjoy them, as that's all I can manage. It's unusually hot here and my brain is having a bit of a meltdown all on it's own.

Here are the links, I think it's easier for all this way, rather than embedding them. Until next time, stay safe, have a great week and don't play with plutonium.

Two days in the exclusion zone:

The Disaster:

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