Monday, April 23, 2018

My who is a what?

Time for another blast from the past. Enter:

What we have here is a pretty typical 80's comedy, starring Kim Basinger, Dan Aykroyd, Jon Lovitz, Alyson Hannigan and many more. This movie was also Juliette Lewis' first movie appearance and we get a very young Seth Green, but this was not his first.

So if you've never heard of this film here's the synopsis:

Aykroyd plays a scientist involved with the search for extra terrestrial life or SETI. He accidentally sends a signal way further into space than intended, and an alien shows up. The alien, Celeste (Basinger) is desperate to recreate the signal or her planet is doomed. Comedy and romance ensues.

At it's core, this is a kind of dumb movie. The plot is simplistic, boy meets girls, fall in love, solve problem, happy ever after, the end. But, it's also charming, innocent (when it want's to be), well made and funny. The way Celeste tries to understand how we do things and how our society works is hilarious, and Basinger did an amazing job with her expressions and reactions, in essence she is the movie.
The other actors are good, but Aykroyd is Aykroyd, like he kind of always is, and the others do what they are supposed to do. Basinger shines. There is a scene where she speed-reads a few books, and with no words, she show you all her emotions is seconds. Stellar work, pun intended.

Some of the scenes are cringy by moderns standards, but I'd say it holds up quite well. The effects are surprisingly still pretty good, even thirty years later. The dialogue is also pretty good at times, but you have to pay attention to find it.

If you haven't seen it, I recommend doing so, just leave your expectations in another room and have yourself a good time.

Until next time, have a wonderful week and don't contact aliens. Unless that's your job.

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