Monday, April 9, 2018

Heroes of another kind.

Okay, time for another classic movie. And another on that I have missed, somehow.

Today we're looking at Kelly's Heroes (1970).

Billed as a war-comedy, and filmed in former Yugoslavia, this movie stars Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Donald Sutherland, Don Rickles and Carroll O'Connor and more. So a pretty good cast all in all. Yugoslavia was chosen as the shooting location because they still had WWII armors in use, particularly old American Sherman tanks.

The plot in a non-spoilery way is this; Private Kelly (Eastwood) finds out that the Germans have a huge pile of gold squirreled away in a small french town. He convinces his platoon to go get it since they have three days off. As extra help, they are joined by Oddball (Sutherland) and his crew of three shermans. The rest is spoiler territory so, watch it yourself to see how this goes.

What really confused me, is the comedic aspect. There were a few scenes that I found a bit funny, but there wasn't a single scene that made me laugh. I'd say the horrors of war and the pain of seeing friends die far outweigh the humorous elements. That said, it's an excellent film. It wonderfully produced and have in spades what a good war movie needs: Destruction.
They blew the hell out of their set pieces, which is good since you never get the same visceral felling from a bunch of guys firing blanks at each other as you do when a building collapses in smoke and fire.

The actors are of course amazing. Did you expect anything else? But the music is strange. Very 60's-70's, which adds a strange feeling to many scenes. At the end of the day, I'd have to say I liked it, but I don't think I'm ever going to watch it again. Give it a shot and see what you think.

That's that. Until next time, have a great week and stay away from Tiger tanks.

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