Monday, September 5, 2016

What We Do in the Shadows

I finally got around to watching What We Do in the Shadows (2014) last Friday.

WWDitS is a horror/comedy mockumentary about four vampires who share a house as flatmates in Wellington, New Zealand. They are constantly followed around by the camera crew as they try to explain the reality of their unlives.

The comedy far outweighs the horror, but if you are really sensitive, be aware that there is some gore in the movie. That said, it's not scary at all. The comedy on the other hand is top notch. I found it really on point and clever all throughout the film.

The four main characters in WWDitS poke fun at the traditional vampires in media. There's the 18th century dandy, we have the medieval Transylvanian, the ancient Nosferatu etc.
A large portion of the comedy comes from the fact that although they are old and powerful, they still have to deal with things like doing the dishes and finding suitable victims in this modern world.

I really don't want to spoil this movie by overselling it or going into too much detail, but I laughed loudly several times. The general atmosphere is silly and dopey without being slapstick and “zany”. It's intelligent humor and it really sticks to the point. Although the vampires are stereotypes, WWDitS is more of a satire about the vampires and their condition than a spoof on other vampire movies.

Being a mockumentary, it's at times blurry and slightly shaky, but there's a good reason for this. It's not Found Footage shaky, which is a relief. Actually, I can't really find any proper faults here.

Bottom line, I really recommend What We Do in the Shadows. Unless you are truly allergic to vampires you really aught to see it. I will link the trailer below.

That is that for this time, so until we see each other again, have fun week!

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