Monday, July 4, 2016

What does it mean?

It's July, and that means I'm busy trying to cobble together 30.000 words for camp nanowrimo.

But as always, it's also Monday, and that means Eccentric Spheres gets a new update. In the spirit of creative writing, here are some words most English speakers might not be too familiar with:

Absquatulate - to leave abruptly
Boffola - a joke that gets a loud laugh
Chad - the piece of paper that is left when using a hole punch
Degust - to eat slowly in order to really enjoy the taste
Eucatastrophe - a happy ending
Fugacious - fleeting or transient
Gnathic - to do with the jaw
Humdudgeon - imaginary illness
Incunabula - books printed before 1501
Jentacular - having to do with breakfast
Keek - to sneak a peek
Logomachy - an argument about words
Minacious - scary or threatening
Noyade - execution by drowning
Otalgia - earache
Peterman - a person who opens and robs safes
Quire - 24 sheets of paper
Rubiginious - rust colored
Sesquipedalian - a person who uses excessively long words
Toplofty - an arrogant person
Umbriferous - shady
Vicinal - adjacent or next to
Winklepicker - 1950's style shoe with pointy toe
Xertz - to gulp down greedily
Yarborough - a hand of cards with no card above a nine in value
Zetetic - proceeding by inquiry or investigation

There you go, a whole list of words you probably didn't know. At least I didn't.
Until we see each other again next time, have a great week!

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