Monday, July 18, 2016

The Charnel House Trilogy

A couple of months ago I saw a review of a game called The Charnel HouseTrilogy on Youtube. I'm not a huge fan of point and click games, but this one caught my attention, and didn't want to let go. So, during the Steam Summer Sale, I picked it up for next to nothing. To be fair, it's not expensive at normal price either, it's about five bucks.

The Charnel House Trilogy is a horror game, like the title suggests, but it avoids things like jump scares and cheap gore. Nothing in this wonderful title is left to chance, and it shows, it is truly well crafted. I builds up the atmosphere and the mystery without constantly hitting you over the head with cliches. Quiet moments are allowed when appropriate.

The puzzles are easy for the most part. I myself am not a great puzzle solver so that came as a pleasant surprise. One could argue that they are so easy that they are almost unnecessary, but they serve to bring you in closer. Besides, without them it would be a walking simulator.
Graphically it's good, though not amazing. But it doesn't have to be either. As a point and click horror/adventure game, you don't expect or indeed need, graphics that strain your GPU to the limit. The sound is good too, and a special mention needs to be made concerning the voice work. The game is fully voiced, and at first I thought it was a bit lackluster, but that's because I've come to expect over the top voice acting in games like this. Here it's more subdued, and I think that's a good thing.
It should be pointed out that although it's a trilogy, the whole game is about two hours long. I have in the past criticized games for being too short, but this is not a triple-A game that costs $60-70, it's an indy title that costs $5. Besides, because it is short, you have an easier time finishing the whole thing in one sitting, and retaining the whole story. Here, it is a good thing.

I went into this expecting an OK time, and ended up having a great time. So, if you are in the mood for a horror title that's heavy on creepy atmosphere and a good story rather than buckets of gore and jump scares galore, then The Charnel House Trilogy might be for you. It certainly was for me.

That's it for this time folks, so until Monday next, have a great week!

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