Monday, December 28, 2015

Last of 2015

Alright, it's the last Eccentric Sphere for 2015.

The Steam X-Mas sale has been nice, but I have to say I miss the flash and daily sales. Valve says that they got rid of them to be fairer, since a great sale might pop up when you are at work and thus you miss it.
OK, fair enough, but without these varying extras, the sales aren't as much fun. What you see is what you get, but that means that a great holiday sale is just a big weekend deal. The same deals are up from day one to the end. If they at least had some 48h extras it would be more interesting. And that's just it, it's not even about the money. It's less exciting to visit the Steam store when nothing changes, and I miss the thrill of hoping a game you've been waiting for shows up.
Oh well, here's hoping they bring the short sales back.

For all my complaining though, I have picked up some good ones.
My wife got me Pillars of Eternity for X-mas. A grand old-school RPG. Looking forward to getting deeper into it, but it does require that you really pay attention. It's not a game you play when you're tired or distracted.

SunlessSea is a game I've been eying lately. It's Victorian-Steampunk with Lovecraftian elements. Madness, monsters, and really weird stuff (sentient rat engineers) abounds in the seas around Fallen London. So far it's very good, but damn hard.

I bought Stranded Deep, but I haven't installed it yet. It is however shaping up to be one of the best survival games out there. So once winter hits properly, I'm escaping to my own paradise island. Coconuts, crabs and the risk of dehydration awaits. Oh, and sharks, lots of sharks.

Finally, as we're drawing towards New Years eve, I want to talk about PartyHard. Here you play as a man who just wants peace and quiet. But a huge party rages on and you can't sleep. So naturally you kill everyone there. In Party Hard you have to slaughter all the guests at party after party without getting caught. It's great fun but sometimes truly frustrating, like when you have three guys left to stab and the cops spot you near a body. If you're caught it's game over.

That's it for this year. I want to thank you all for reading my ramblings, and I hope you'll continue to do so in the coming year.

So until 2016, have a great week and a happy new year!

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