Monday, October 13, 2014

When you've had a long day

One of the great things about boardgames is the ability to have fun with family and friends even if you're really tired.
Like I am today. Thus I'm keeping today's post short.
Last week I wrote about Letters from Whitechapel, but before I bought it, I researched it thoroughly online.

If you're looking for a new game you really are spoiled for choice. There are so many games out there in so many categories. But which game to choose? You can (and probably should) go to and look around, but the sheer mass of games is hard to sift through.

A long time ago, I mentioned Beer and Boardgames on Youtube, but they don't always give the best impressions of a game, however entertaining their antics are.
But Wil Wheaton's webseries Tabletop really does a great job of demonstrating how a game works. It's pretty funny as well.
So without further ado, here are a couple of sample episodes for your enjoyment.

Until next week, take it easy.

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