Monday, May 19, 2014

Pacific Archery

Summer is around the corner, and that means blockbusters. In keeping with my general philosophy of “I'll watch it later” I watched Pacific Rim last night.

What can I say? A little over two hours went by just like that. I didn't look at the clock once. That said, it's not a very good movie.
Entertaining yes, but not good. The whole thing is an extraordinary effects extravaganza, and to it's credit, it doesn’t pretend otherwise. But when you have an actor like Idris Elba (Stringer Bell from The Wire) come off as wooden and dull, you know that dialog and personality was not high on Guillermo del Toro's list of priorities.
It's not painfully bad, but I couldn't have cared less about any of the characters. It's giant monsters vs. giant mechs all the way. And if that's OK with you, Pacific Rim is indeed a movie worth watching.
Of course, if you are really into these kinds of movies, you have probably seen it already.

Moving on from multimillion dollar special effects and no writing, we have the TV show Archer. This is one of those shows people can't stop talking about, and that always makes me apprehensive. I don't know why, but the more something gets hyped, the less I want to watch it.
But I'm ecstatic that I gave Archer a chance.

What we have here is an adult cartoon. Very Adult in fact, even though they self censor actual nudity and bad language.
Imagine if you will James Bond, but more arrogant, crueler, crasser and a lot more politically incorrect. Oh, and add mommy issues, that's Sterling Mallory Archer in a nutshell.
The rest is secret spy stuff and hilarity.
I laugh when I watch this, and not just a “Hah” once in a while. The writing is brilliant at times, and it never gets dull. The creators truly have a great sense of balance and timing.
Well worth it. It really is.

Well that's all tonight. We've been hit by a heat wave after a very chilly and wet spring, and my brain is a bit melty...

See you next week!

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