Monday, December 30, 2013

Cya next year!

The New Year is upon us, and you better start thinking up New Year's Resolutions. You know, those self improvements that you intend to start, and abandon in March at the very latest.
I've never been too fond of those myself, but I got to thinking about when they were invented, and that in turn got me thinking about when other stuff was invented. And that's what the last post of 2013 is about.

The New Year's Resolution can be traced back all the way to ancient Babylon, although those were mainly promises to their gods to pay debts and return borrowed stuff. Seems the Babylonians weren't too fussed about loosing weight or quitting alcohol.
The phenomenon has been observed since in many cultures and religions throughout history, and even today they are popular. One source claims that today about 40% of all Americans make New Year's Resolutions.

Are you married, or thinking of getting married? I'm married, and we went through the whole rigamarole with the rings. Being a bit old fashioned, I didn't mind at all, but how old do you think the diamond engagement ring really is?

Although wedding rings are thought to have been invented by those pyramid loving Egyptians, the diamond engagement ring (not to mention the wedding ring) is very young. While it is true that the super rich did use them as early as the Renaissance, the De Beers diamond cartel started a campaign to promote the diamond engagement ring as late as 1938. In 1947 they came up with the slogan A diamond is forever, to make sure that everyone bought their diamonds and not just the rich. And it worked too. In '39 only about 10% bought diamond rings but in 1990 80% of us were suckered in. So the next time someone confuses a diamond ring with a dowry, claiming it's the mans duty to buy one because it has always been so, you can set them straight.

That's all I have for you today and this year. Join us next year as Eccentric Spheres continues to twirl around in interesting circles.

Happy New Year!

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