Monday, October 14, 2024

What I have learned so far.

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about my No Hit Sniper Elite 5 challenge that I invented. This challenge has consumed me and I have played it as much as my stupid flu has allowed, so I want to share a couple of things I have learned.

I have started seeing the game with new eyes. Since it is so critical to eliminate enemies as safely as possible, I have noticed multiple places where you can in fact snipe soldiers without them being able to retaliate, like inside a cathedral. It has been a huge learning experience.

When enemies are alerted to your presence, they are either in Combat, Enemy Hunting, Investigating or Clear modes. Combat means they know where you are, they can probably see you and bullets are whizzing around. Enemy Hunting means they know you are (or were) nearby and are trying to find you. Investigating is them reacting to a noise or perhaps they saw a glimpse of you, either way they are mobile and alert. When Clear pops up, it means that no enemies are looking for you anymore. This could be because you killed them all, or that they can't be bothered chasing you any further. When Clear hits, they normally go straight back to their patrol area and resume doing what they were doing. But there is a catch. Some enemies won't move when Enemy Hunting is up. Instead they will freeze in place and cover an area. On rare occasions they have even remained so when Clear hits. What this boils down to is that when you are in hiding waiting for things to calm down, do not move just because Clear hits. This is a very dangerous time, since some enemies will travel a surprisingly long distance, and it will take a long time for them to return to where they were. This is when you turn a corner and come face to face with a well armed soldier with his finger on the trigger...

If you know an area is clear, it means you only think it is clear. If you think an area is clear, it isn't. I have lost count of how many times I've been so sure that there can be no remaining enemies in an area, only for some clueless twerp to come along, blissfully unaware that you have just killed a dozen of his friends and your day is ruined. Treat every area as unsafe at all times and the challenge will be a bit easier.

Another thing I have learned is to use more traps. Cut off areas and secure choke points with mines. Of course, you can only carry three mines so I've had to start using shu-mines. They are non lethal, but an unconscious enemy is still out. I also learned that the shu-mine can be set with a timer that makes a noise that lures enemies in. Super useful when you don't want to risk being shot.

Focus mode is your best friend and sometimes your worst enemy. Focus mode lets you see the outline of enemies through walls and is obviously incredibly useful. But it has a shorter range than you might think. Just because you scanned an area and found nothing, doesn't mean no one is there. Trust me...

Finally, use different ammo types. Sniping at a longer distance? Soft point bullets are your friend, as they cause bleeding. This will take out an enemy that you only managed to wing. Is it crucial that you take out an enemy wearing a helmet with the first shot? Armor piercing ammo to the rescue. It is worth the extra time it takes to reload, it really is.

Finally finally, you need to have all the patience. Mark all the targets. Wait for that one enemy to return rather than dealing with him later. When things go wrong (and they will) run away. Don't stick around to be a badass, run! The further away you can go, the safer you are.

As of writing this, I just managed to clear Mission 3 The Spy Academy. I can't believe how cocky I was when I came up with this idea, it has been so much harder than I thought, but at the same time so rewarding. I'm sure there are other games that could work with a similar challenge if you think your favorite games are getting stale.

That's that and all that. Join me again next time and until then, have a great week!


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