Monday, November 27, 2023

A dose of reality.

This week I haven't watched any movies, but I have a couple of documentaries to share with you.

The first one is The Seven Five, a documentary about some of the goings on at the 75th Precinct in New York back in the late 80's. This movie details exactly how the proverbial Slippery Slope works. How a little skimming turns into a massive crime spree with murders, drugs and massive corruption. 

The Seven Five was a fascinating documentary,and well worth the time to watch.


Our second entry is The Shock Doctrine, a documentary based on a book by Naomi Klein, demonstrating how the economic principles of Milton Friedman has led to the dictatorships in Chile and Argentina, how the eponymous Shock Doctrine is used to stun the population and make the really rich ultra rich. I'm not educated enough to be able to critique it  100%, but everything it talks about did happen. I guess you need to make up your own mind.

That's that and all that. Join me again next time, and until then, have a great week!

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