Monday, July 10, 2023

Why it's Rude to Suck at World of Warcraft.


This week I was planning on talking about the 1974 Giallo, The Girl in Room 2a, so I watched it yesterday. The problem is that it is pretty awful and I don't want to sit here and crap on someone else's hard work. I can be critical, yes, but however I tried, I can't really say anything positive about The Girl in Room 2a.

This left me with a conundrum. I didn't have enough time to watch anything else but I need something, and that's when it struck me. A couple of weeks ago I skimmed a Reddit thread about toxicity in World of Warcraft, and someone linked the following video.

Now, this is 84 minutes long but it's fascinating. The video breaks down how people play WoW, the rise of addons, how Blizzard, unlike many other developers can't make players do anything and how external data affects how the game is played. 

If you have any interest in the subject matter I strongly urge you to watch it.

Direct link:


That's that and all that. Join me again next time and until then, have a great and safe week!




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