Monday, June 12, 2023


Like last week, this movie is also a re-watch from the 90's. This week it's:

Sniper (1993).

Directed by Luis Llosa and starring Tom Berenger and Billy Zane, this movie follows intelligence operative Richard Miller (Zane) and veteran Marine sniper, Master Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Beckett (Berenger) as they creep through the jungles of Panama in order to take out two high profile targets.

If ever there was an easy synopsis, that has to be it, but there is actually more to it than that. The real meat of the story is the relationship between the two main characters. Beckett is a veteran, a man not just at home in the cruel jungle but one who actually thrives there. A man who lies to himself that he is going to retire one day, something Miller sees right through.

Miller on the other hand is an ex Olympic sharpshooter who has served as a SWAT sniper but hasn't actually ever killed anyone, something he is trying to hide from the veteran. Two men who are similar on the surface but couldn't be more different under the hood.

The story isn't honestly much to talk about. It is pretty typical 90's tough guy stuff. It turns out that a Panamanian sniper that stalks them was trained by Beckett, because of course he was. Things go predictably wrong but mostly turn out okay in the end. Thing like that. Comfortably predictable. Beckett isn't a one man army like often portrayed by Stallone or Schwarzenegger, but he isn't that far removed either.

I like that you can tell the difference between Miller and Beckett in how they move. Beckett is smooth and economical in his actions while Miller is nervous and twitchy. Both actors do a good job, that has to be admitted.

Sniper was made in a time when movies were often set in the jungles of Middle and South America, so a lot of the props in this movie are familiar. The plain green fatigues, the AK's, the jeeps etc. The enemy soldiers are also about as effective here as they usually are in other movies. Whether it's Sniper or Commando (1985) they love to shoot from the hip while running, a sure way not to hit anything. Then again, if the enemies were actually competent, it would be a very short movie.

This is the first movie I saw that made me interested in the concept of sniping, but I remembered nothing except the final sniper duel between Beckett and his former protegee. At least I thought I remembered it. Turns out that it is a lot shorter than what my memory told me, but that's memory for you.

So, do I recommend this movie? Well, not really. There is nothing truly wrong with it even though there is a long list of small mistakes being made at a constant rate. It's just that there isn't really anything that noteworthy about the film. As I said, the main actors do a very good job, but everything else is okay but not great. Average is the word I'm looking for I suppose. The story needed more and got nothing. If you love movies about snipers or commando missions and you for some reason haven't seen it, then go for it, otherwise I'd say give it a miss.

That's that and all that. Join me again next time and until then, have a great week!


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