Monday, June 27, 2022

Intersting Insights

Summer has come with a vengeance and my brain is slowly melting out of my ears. So I haven't had the energy to come up with any kind of analysis or insights of my own. Thus, I have to rely on the insights of others.

In 1972 the Watergate scandal erupted and sent a lot of powerful people to prison and ultimately ended Nixon's presidency. If you aren't aware of what the Watergate scandal was, read up on it here: 

Watergate Scandal


I found some cool old 60 Minutes interviews with amongst others, John Ehrlichman, G. Gordon Liddy and others on the official 60 Minutes Youtube Channel and thought I'd share with you good people.

So enjoy and hopefully my brain will be slightly less molten next week! Join me again next time and until then, have a great and safe week!



 Full playlist:

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