Monday, November 1, 2021

First time fun

Hello and welcome back to Eccentric Spheres. Today in the interest of  keeping it short and sweet, I'll get to the point. Yesterday, I live-streamed for the first time, and I loved it. It was a ton of fun and I'm going to do it again at some point.

I played Fallout 4 with a bunch of minor mods together with the Whispering Hills mod overhaul pack. It essentially transforms Fallout into a foggy hellscape a la Silent Hill. Unsettling to not see where you're going to say the least.

If you want to watch the VoD, here it is:

Be aware though that it will disappear after 14 days, so if you're planning on watching it, do it now before it's too late.


That's that and all that. Join me again next time, and until then, have a great and safe week! 



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