Monday, February 1, 2021

It's all in her head


In a post I wrote a little over two years ago, I linked a video about how there are no ghosts in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining.

Last week I found another video that shifts the movie in another, quite brilliant direction. Like the no ghosts video, it is of course pure speculation. The movie was made in 1980 and Stanley Kubrick had his reasons for changing so much from King's novel, and what went on in his head no one will ever really know. Keep in mind that this isn't an attempt to say, “This is what Kubrick intended”, but rather “This could be what is happening”.

So what makes the video interesting, you ask? It places all the horror, all the craziness in Wendy's head and it works! So yes, its a theory and nothing more but give it a chance. You can explain everything that happens in the movie as the delusions of a very sick mind and to make it even better, there is “proof”.

It is well known that Stanley Kubrick was a meticulous film maker. “Every frame a painting” I believe he said. Fair enough but every time Wendy has a hallucination (under this theory) there is a blatant continuity error in the scene with her, signaling that she is imagining what is happening. Of course, every director no matter how good can make a mistake. But it is interesting how Kubrick of all people could have made so many mistakes and in all the relevant scenes. There are chairs missing, stickers on doors missing, missing light switches etc.

This theory even explains how Jack gets out of the storage room Wendy locks him in after hitting him on the head with a baseball bat, which doesn't make sense without ghosts. So yeah, speculation at its finest, but do watch it.

That's that and all that. Join me again next time and until then, have a great week and stay safe!

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