Monday, September 14, 2020

Something to watch


It's Monday, so it's time for the spheres to get eccentric!

This week I want to share a few Youtube channels that I find entertaining and even informative. Whether you like them is of course up to you, but do check them out and see for yourself. Now, it is possible that I might have mentioned some of these channels before though I'm reasonably sure I haven't. Sometimes one double dips by accident.

First up we have It's [Redacted]. This channel delves into mysteries of the more conspiratorial kind. In my mind it's not a conspiracy channel as such, it is the mystery that is important. Nice moody videos about things like aliens, UFO's and the Dyatlov Pass. Cool stuff if this is your cup of tea. Spooky and intriguing.

Then we go to the LockPickingLawyer. This man is a master of opening things that are supposed to stay closed. Heavy duty padlocks, safes, and all manners of locks lose in seconds to this guy. I even saw him open a hand-held safe with three combination tumblers using nothing but a sliver of a Red Bull can. Even if you don't care about locks or locksporting, it is fascinating to watch him work.

Next we move on to oddball experiments. TylerTube is a guy in his garage testing stuff out. What happens to different thing left in nasty liquids like drain cleaner in 30 days? How strong are different glues? What does it take to stop a crossbow? These are things Tyler tests and it is a lot of fun to watch.

From a garage in the U.S. we go down under to Australia to the HowRidiculous team. These loud and exited guys love dropping things from a 44 meter (144 feet) tall tower. Things like glass spheres, watermelons, giant steel darts, a 300 kg steel fist, boats... etc. As I said they do get loud but damn if it isn't satisfying to see the stuff fall.

Finally, I want to mention RedLetterMedia. This channel is my latest obsession. A crew of guys with a very serious film collection and snarky wit. They talk movies, they dissect movies and they watch some of the worst stinkers ever distributed on VHS. This last part called Best of the Worst is my favorite. If you ever enjoyed watching a bad movie go and have a look at this channel, it's so worth it.

There it is. Some curated randomly chosen channels for your entertainment. Something to occupy yourself with in these trying times. And as always join me again next time and until then have a great week, stay safe and wash your hands! 


Direct links:

It's Redacted:









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