Today, we're looking at ten interesting movie facts:
- It's common for a director to shoot more than he needs but some took it a bit too far. Apocalypse Now has a running time of 153 minutes, but Coppola shot 230 hours of film. That's 1.250000 feet or 381 kilometers of film.
- In the same vein, when Stanley Kubrick made 2001: A Space Odyssey, he allegedly shot 200 times the length of the movie. According to Wikipedia, 2001 is 142 minutes so that is 28400 minutes or 473.3 hours of film. In other words 19.7 days of raw film.
- In 1939 Wuthering Heights was released, starring Laurence Olivier, Merle Oberon and David Niven. A then rather unknown actor called Vivien Leigh auditioned only to be told that the studio had no intention to cast “a nobody” in an important piece like Wuthering. Instead she starred in Gone with the Wind the same year. Gone with the Wind was nominated for thirteen Oscars, winning eight, including Best Actress. Wuthering Heights won Best black and white cinematography...
- Daniel Radcliffe went through 160 pairs of prop glasses during the Harry Potter series.
- In 2002, Stephen Spielberg went back and finished college after a 33 year break. As his student film, he handed in Schindler's List. You think they could have just handed him his diploma immediately and sent him on his way.
- Pierce Brosnan played James Bond between 1995-2002, and during that time he couldn't appear in a non Bond film wearing a tuxedo. It was in the contract.
- In the final scene of Grease (1978) Olivia Newton John wears skin tight black clothes. So skin tight in fact that she couldn't take off her pants. They were sewn on due to a zipper constantly breaking.
- The original Fast and the Furious became a hit and spawned a long franchise but the during the filming, neither Jordana Brewster nor Michelle Rodriguez had a drivers license. Not even learners permits.
- In Pulp Fiction when John Travolta has to inject Uma Thurman's character with adrenaline, the entire scene is shot backwards.
- In Django Unchained, Leonardo DiCaprio slams his fist on a dinner table and cuts his hand. In fact he cut himself for real but just kept on with the scene. The blood is real and the discomfort the other actors seems to feel is just as real.
There you
have it, more amazing facts from the world of film. Until next time,
have a great week!