Monday, March 25, 2019

Please get a bigger budget

Okay, so yesterday evening, my wife asks me if I want to watch a movie with her. An Asylum Films disaster movie. I said yes.

End of theworld (2018) is not good, but for one thing: it never stops trying. It had an estimated budget of $500.000 and about 14 actors. In other words no money what so ever...

The script is awful and the effects go from really lame to laughable. I don't even remember if there was any music. And again, those effects... yikes.

But the actors were mostly decent and there were some really creative filming techniques. Like three people struggling to clear concrete that has fallen on a woman. You mostly just see them struggling instead of Styrofoam “concrete”, and it worked. You have to do what you can, right?

The dialog is mostly asking “Do you think mom and Kirby are okay?” or “Do you think dad and Sarah are fine?”, so nothing to even talk about. It's easily one of the worst elements of the movie. Even worse than the rivers of lava that can appear in a quiet suburban street and burn your car without you noticing until it's too late. Ninja Lava strikes again! The lava is joined by Sniper Lightning that seems to actively target people over tall structures.

Beyond that, the streets of LA are empty of people and a mountain sized volcano appears in mere hours in the center of town... Yeah it's a mess of a movie.

To compare this movies budget, Roland Emmerich's 2012 had $200 million and his The day after Tomorrow had $125 million, and they look fantastic. So you know, it takes a special kind of person to go “Yeah, we can do this!” on no money at all.

Can I recommend it? No, not really. It's okay at best, so if you like cheese disaster movies go for it.

On a better note, we also decided to give the TV show Grimm a shot and three episodes in, we are really pleased. I may write something about that in the future.

That's that as they say. Join me again next time and until then have a great week and look out for Ninja Lava!

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