Monday, December 24, 2018

It's not easy being Queen

Lizzie. Her Maj. Or, Queen Elizabeth (Alexandra Mary) II is an interesting person. This is not a biography of her life, you can look that up on your own if you like.

This is a few fascinating facts and happenings that involve HM and people around her.

Did you know HM is the only person in Great Britain who can legally drive without a drivers license? It's true, she could if she wanted too, issue one to herself, but chooses not to. Despite that, she is in fact a keen driver. She learned to drive during WWII when she was a second subaltern in the Woman’s Auxiliary Territorial Service, working as a truck driver.
In 1998, she hosted Saudi Prince Abdullah at her estate, Balmoral in Scotland. One day she asked if the prince would like a tour of the estate and to his shock she jumped behind the wheel of her Land Rover. She then proceeded to drive fast across bumpy terrain while pointing out features. Eventually, the shell-shocked prince had to ask (through his interpreter) her to please stop, as the ride had terrified him. It could have been the speed and terrain, or it could have been a female driver. After all it was only in June this year that Saudi women were allowed to drive.

Back in the day, HM and Mrs. Thatcher disagreed on many things. Thatchers tendency to arrive early irritated the Queen a great deal and she was overheard on many an occasion referring to the Prime Minister as 'that woman'.
One time, Thatcher suggested that they could both coordinate their outfits for an occasion. Buckingham Palace responded: “The Queen does not notice what other people are wearing.” Ouch.
Eventually, HM decided to attend Mrs. Thatchers funeral, even though it was not her duty to do so.

When Diana died in 1997, the people were bereaved. Diana was very popular and well loved by the nation. This grief turned to anger when the flag on Buckingham Palace wasn't lowered to half mast. Despite the outrage, this was correct. The Queen's flag, the Royal Standard is never flown at half mast, as it represents the monarchy. As Terry Pratchett once wrote: “Monarchy is the only thing that is faster than light. The instant one monarch dies, the first in line of succession is automatically the new monarch. Light is slow in comparison.”
The other flag on Buckingham Palace is the Union Jack, but that is only lowered if the deceased is an HRH. Diana lost her HRH status when she and Charles were divorced.
Out of respect for the feelings of her people, HM did order the Union Jack lowered on Diana's funeral until midnight.

In 1979 HM's cousin, Lord Mountbatten was killed by an IRA bomb. Elizabeth was very close to her cousin so it must have been awkward for former IRA leader Martin McGuinness to meet the Queen in 2012. You see, at this point Martin had been appointed deputy first minister of Northern Ireland. In 2016 they met again, and he asked her how she was. Her reply, “Well, I'm still alive.”

Lizzie likes them sick burns...

That's that. I wish you all a Merry X-mas, a Happy Holiday etc. Have a wonderful week and join me again on the very last day of 2018.

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