Monday, October 8, 2018

I never thought about it like that

Welcome to a new installment of Eccentric Spheres. Before we get to this weeks main topic, I want to do a bit of a public service here.

During the weekend, I got a warning email that my Ubisoft account had been tampered with. This is the second one of these I've gotten, and I've received one about my Gmail being tampered with as well. Both times I did change my password, just in case, but here is the kicker: Change the password from the main account page by going there yourself.

Never click a link in an email like this, absolutely never!

With the second “warning” I pulled up Ubisoft's account page and letter by letter compared the link in the mail with the URL that I knew was 100% Ubisoft. It was close, very close. If the real site is account.ubi, then the mail was ubi-account etc. In other words, if you don't know the URL by heart, you'll miss it. Besides, all the logos were correct and everything looked really official. But none the less this is nothing but a phishing scam looking to rob you.

By all means change your passwords if you feel the need, just take the time to go to the account page manually and leave the phishing links in the gutter where they belong.

Okay, now let's get to what you came here for.

Last week I found a Youtube channel called WhatisAntiLogic that puts new twists on familiar horror movies, and the best one I've seen is called The Shining: There are no ghosts.
In it, he very logically lays out a theory that explains all the happenings in Kubrick's movie and how there are no ghosts or demons. His theory fills in quite a few loopholes in the film, that I've always wondered about. Mind you, these are his personal theories, not the actual intent of the filmmakers.

So enjoy an entirely new look at some older movies, and until next time stay safe, keep your accounts safe and have a great week!

Part 1:

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