Monday, July 2, 2018

What it's about

So, I had this whole plan floating in my head about how I'd write up what we know about Fallout 76. Then, as all plans usually do, it fell to pieces.

Last week I slept badly three nights in a row and then spent seven hours in a combination of cars, buses and trains. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, it went extremely smoothly and I had a good time, but my brain is still utterly fried.

So, instead of playing journalist, I'm just going to take the easy route.

The following video sheds light on the design process of Fallout 76 and what it's about. I'm intrigued, but until they roll out private servers sometime after release, I'm not making any decisions as to whether I'm getting this game.

Still, the video is interesting, so enjoy and I'll see you next time. Until then, have a great week!

direct link:

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