Monday, September 18, 2017

Keep Calm and,

We've all had days that didn't go as they should have. Everyone has been annoyed or troubled by someone in their lives; bosses, acquaintances, neighbors etc.
Sometimes we all want to just scream in frustration but we stay calm, and like the poster says, carry on.

The following people didn't exactly do that.

Take Reginald Peterson from Jacksonville, Florida. He ordered a sandwich from Subway, and discovered to his horror that they forgot to add the sauce he ordered, so he called the police. Then he called 911 again to complain that it took too long for them to arrive. To fix his sauce problem.

It's not just “normal” people who call 911 to complain. In 2008, Joe McCain, younger brother of Senator John McCain called 911 to complain about the heavy traffic in his area. The dispatcher understandably lectured him about why we call 911, where upon Joe said F—K You, and hung up. The dispatcher left him a voice mail explaining that he could be charged for doing what he did, so of course he called back to complain about the message.

If calling the police on someone isn't enough, you can always sue them in court. Or at lest try to. An inmate in the Colorado Correctional Facility sued the NFL for $88 billion because his team didn't make the playoffs. Hint: he didn't get the money.

Todd Kirkpatrick figured it would be a good idea to rob a bank. Then the police showed up and Todd ended up somewhat shot. He then decided to file a lawsuit from prison against the city for $6.3 million because the other cops failed to stop their colleague from shooting him in the first place.

One day Allen Heckard got fed up with being told he looked just like Michael Jordan. So he sued the famous basketball player for looking too much like him. He also blamed Nike for aiding in causing him harm. He demanded $52 million.

In Canterbury, a local man called 999 (the UK version of 911) to report a strange light above his house. The dispatcher said they would look into it, but he called back two minutes later and said, “You won't believe it, it's the moon...”

Michigan police officer Edward Sanchez decided to keep some weed for himself during a drug raid. Then that night, he and his wife baked and ate some weed brownies. They must have been pretty strong, because that evening Edward called 911 to report that he was dead. Well he wasn't, but his career was. He was fired soon after.

Jane Mulcahy, a devout Catholic sued her own divorce lawyers for failing to make it clear to her that she was in fact getting a divorce.

When Anton Purisima got bitten by a dog, he sued not only the city on New York, but also the city transit service, Au Bon Pair store, and many more. The kicker? He demanded 2 Undecillion dollars in damages. That's not a made up number either, it's 340 trillion trillion trillions. In other words considerably more money than actually exists in the world.

There are many more stories like this. The woman who called the police because her husband refused to eat dinner, or he woman who called because her boyfriend refused to propose to her. We have the man who sued the Guinness book of world records for getting the record breaking number of lawsuits he filed, wrong. How about the guy who sued Fosters for not being brewed in Australia? It goes on and on, and I think the lesson here is this: take a deep breath and think twice before acting.
Anyway, until next time, have a wonderful, calm, police free week, and don't sue anyone else frivously.

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