Monday, June 19, 2017

Paper cuts

Where would modern society be without paper?

We use it to share ideas, entertain each other, fine lawbreakers, build things, create art etc. The myriad uses we have for paper are too many to list here, but did you know that you can use it to cut things?

We've all at some point or another suffered that cruelest of cuts, the paper cut. It hurts like nothing else, but yesterday I found a video concerning the mother of all paper cuts: the powered paper cut.

The Youtube channel in question, ZombieGoBoom, is about a small group of guys who test weapons, tools, every day items, even toys to see if they're any good at killing zombies.
They have themselves designed and created a range of zombie heads that are 99% correct analogs of the human head. Since you know, the only reliable way to put down a zombie is to destroy its brain.

The video below is only one of several that you can find online if you're interested in cutting things with paper, but being the lover of the macabre that I am, I chose this one. I suppose the takeaway from this is that if you absolutely must cut something and you have no other options available, you can use paper, card stock, or cardboard.

So enjoy the awesome power of humble paper, and until we see each other again, have a zombie free week!


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