Monday, October 10, 2016

Haunted Honeymoon

Another Monday, another Eccentric Sphere.

Today I want to talk about a movie that I recently re-watched after not having seen it since the late 80's. It popped up into my awareness due to the death of one it's man actors: Gene Wilder.

Today were looking at Haunted Honeymoon (1986).

Haunted Honeymoon is a fun little movie. It's never going to be one of the greats, but it has aged surprisingly well, and it is pretty well made. Interestingly, the name is essentially misleading, since the two main characters are about to get married, not recently wed, so there is no actual honeymoon in the film. Not that it matter the least, it's just a funny piece of pedantry.

The film deals with Larry Abbot, a huge radio-play star and his upcoming wedding as well as his unraveling sanity. I won't say more to avoid spoilers.

So what do we have here? Solid actors for one. Everyone does their job with real style. All the other elements work really well, with my favorite being sound. This film has great sound, in part because they used the same techniques common to the old radio plays. This naturally ties in very well with the story itself.
The scenery is worth talking about. You may think it looks incredibly cheesy and theatrical as opposed to cinematic and you would be right. However, there is a good reason for this, so be patient.

Haunted Honeymoon is one of those films that explain very little until the very end. It's only 86 minutes, so you won't have to wait too long, but I think it's worth it.

As I said, it's not a “cinematic great”, but it's a neat movie that does what it does very well. I also think it's genuinely funny, so I absolutely recommend giving it a look.

Until next time, have a ghost free week!

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