Monday, August 1, 2016


When I heard that the graphic novel Preacher (1995-2000) was being made into a TV show, my first reaction was “no way”.

The comic deals with blasphemy, profanity, religion, death on a massive scale and quite a lot of sex. These things aren't always easy to put on TV, so naturally I was skeptical.

However, I decided to give it a fair chance and I'm glad I did. I have watched the first season apart from the season finale. I was going to wait until said finale was over but it's Monday and I need content, so here we go.

First off, if you haven't read the comic, you'll be fine, just watch it. If you have read it and you like it, put your expectations on the shelf for the duration. The show is good, no question about it, but there are some big changes, and I don't mean that Tulip is white and blonde in the comic, and black in the show, but the fact that the entire story structure is changed rather drastically.
This in itself is not a problem, it's just a different way to tell a similar story. If they make more seasons, I look forward to see where they're going. I get the feeling that this is just a build up, but time will tell.

The show is well made, and the actors are all good, they really are. They stick pretty closely to what the comic does and that's a relief. The sets are great, you really get the feel for the dusty part of Texas, no complaints.

There are some changes though, and I can't say which ones due to spoilers, that I think are a bit pointless. Mostly minor things, but I really don't get why they would be done differently from the comic. Things like a side characters mannerisms or a characters reason for doing something, things that seem to be changed just to change them.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, that if you are a fan of the comic, don't be put off, give the show a chance.

Until next time, have a great week!

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