Monday, April 14, 2014

Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about my new found love for Sid Meier's Civilization, in the shape of the fifth installment in the series. I also got my greedy little hands on the second DLC, Brave New World, and it's joy to play.

But Civ V is no joke. Although not nearly as difficult to pick up and play as many strategy games out there – Crusader Kings II comes to mind – there are lots of little things to learn and keep track of. Religion, Culture, Economy etc. all contain hidden depths you need to understand in order to master this great game.

So in order to gain a deeper understanding, I dug around on the web and found a lovely little site called where you can read easy to understand guides in all the aspects of this magnificent game.

But when I went there today, I found some new I just have to share with you all:

Namely, that in the final quarter of 2014 (if all goes well) we will get Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth!

Civ in Space! Say it with me, Ciiiv iiin Spaaaaace!

Sorry, I got a little carried away there, but it does look amazing. I myself missed out on Master of Orion back in the olden days, so I'm really looking forward to this.
Now I know I have recently been all giggly about stuff and later on regretted it, but I can't help it this time.

Until next week, here's hoping!

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