Monday, August 19, 2013

Movie Night

So as you know, a couple of weeks ago, we were without internet. In a desperate effort to stave off the madness, the missus and I decided to watch a movie.

Looking around at what we had laying around that neither had seen, we decided on Robin Hood (2010). This film seemed to have everything going for it.

  1. Directed by Ridley Scott, the man behind amazing classics like Alien, Gladiator and Blade Runner.
  2. Russell Crowe as the kick ass protagonist.
  3. A great supporting cast with luminaries such as Cate Blanchett, Max von Sydow and Matthew Macfadyen.

Yet despite all this, the movie stunk to high heaven! We gave up after roughly an hour. It was all wrong. The timing, cinematography, dialog, everything.
I clung on to the hope it would improve with grim desperation, but finally I had to surrender to the inevitable. It should have been to medieval England what Gladiator was to Imperial Rome, but no. Lousy is all I can say. Avoid at all cost.

Instead we put on Priest (2011) a (sort of) post apocalyptic vampire slaying movie. It wasn't a great movie, but it was entertaining, and that was all that mattered. If dystopian wastelands, futuristic frontier stuff and vampires appeal to you, go for it!

With some time left we rounded off the evening with The First Men in the Moon (2010).

This is a remake of the 1964 H.G. Wells film of the same name, and boy did we like it. It had a wonderful whimsical atmosphere, almost like a Lovecraftian fairytale. Two men in 1909 go to the moon with the help of a sphere coated in Cavorite, a gravity nullifying substance invented by one of the main characters.
Well worth watching!

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